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Exponent Ropes Course Assistant


Our Ropes Course Assistant training teaches the basic competences needed to lead groups on a specific ropes course. The Ropes Course Assistant works from the ground or a guarded surface at height. He is supervised by a Ropes Course Rescuer who takes responsibility for any interve,tion that requires rope access, including evacuations from high ropes course elements.  and any other rope re emphasis is on program safety. Depending on the initial competences of the trainees and the nature of the ropes course, this training takes 2 to 3 days.

Ropes Course Assistant training covers the following subjects:

  • general introduction to program safety and safety on ropes courses
  • technical understanding of the ropes course and the equipment
  • pre-flight check of the course
  • spotting
  • knots for use by participants and/or leaders
  • self-belay on high ropes course elements
  • belay techniques for activities on high elements
  • equipment care
  • daily ropes course maintenance

The training includes presentations on theoretical background information, supported by an customized syllabus, but is mainly hands-on.

Trainees who pass the test receive a Exponent Ropes Course Assistant Certificate, consistent with the EN requirements for the Instructor (NBN EN 15567-2(2008), Sports and Recreational Facilities - Ropes Courses – Part 2: Operation Requirements). The certificate remains valid for 3 years.

Check the certificate standards here.

Contact us for a proposal tailored to your organization.


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